You have been elected chair! Now what? You need to elect or designate the other important roles that will assist you and your board to function lawfully and effectively. In a small community, these roles may be filled by Trustees. In larger centres the roles of Secretary and Treasurer may be staff positions, such as Board Secretary and Chief Financial Officer or Treasurer.
The Vice Chair serves as your co-leader and stand-in when you are not available. Responsibilities include:
The Secretary is a member of your Board, a paid staff person, or a volunteer, who looks after the many logistical tasks that make meetings run smoothly and in accordance with law and your bylaws and policies. Responsibilities include:
The Treasurer is a member of your Board or a paid staff person, whose tasks may run the gamut–from bookkeeping to financial monitoring and reporting. The treasurer works with Trustees to ensure the financial health of the Board and the Library: Responsibilities include:
Learn more about the roles of the library board, manager, and staff. Review sample position descriptions here