Trustee Toolkit

Growing into the Chair Position

Whether you are a newly elected Chair, a Trustee interested in developing leadership capacity, or a seasoned veteran in the Chair’s role, leadership is always both challenging and rewarding. Perhaps you need to learn how to encourage a new and reluctant Trustee, or open the hearts and minds of your Board to new possibilities. Would you like to feel more confident when the media calls for an interview? How would you handle a small incident that is getting much-too-much attention and you need to de-escalate the conversation? Do you see a vacancy looming as Trustees fulfill their terms of office?

Set goals for your learning and make it your habit to:

  • Visit this site often to see what’s new or download a leaflet.

  • Participate in conferences such as the annual Alberta Library Conference and other local and regional events planned for you as a Library Trustee or Chair. Go to Trustee Events for information.

  • Take stock of how you are doing by asking for feedback from your Library Manager and Trustees. Ask for feedback from someone you trust to be honest and fair for making your own questionnaire.

  • Seek out learning outside the library community. Contact ALTA for more resources to support your learning.

Trustee Toolkit