Library Board Governance during the COVID-19 Outbreak

From Diana Davidson, Director, Alberta Library Service Branch


We hope everyone is keeping well.

Attached you will find an Information Page on “Library Board Governance During the COVID-19 Outbreak.”

We have been getting many inquiries about what boards should do regarding library staffing in this unprecedented time.

The Board has the authority to make decisions around employment. Some libraries are shifting their focus to online and virtual services and there is a need for staff to manage this transition and provide programming.  Staff are also working to provide telephone reference services and manage curbside drop-off services. Some staff are engaged in collection development and other activities while the physical library is closed.

Here are some general resources we have come across that may be of use when considering how best to support staff:

We are sharing this information in our email (rather than in the information page) because the information is changing daily, these are all links external to GoA, and none of these resources are library specific (but still may be of interest). We are not endorsing any of the links or resources therein and ask that you use your own judgement to determine what is of use to your library board.

We would also like to remind everyone that we have a survey open right now: here is the survey link to fill-out.  This survey will help document and track libraries’ responses/providing of virtual services during physical location closure due to the pandemic. Information from the survey will be shared with all libraries later in the spring.

PLSB staff are working remotely and happy to answer your questions and concerns. Please feel free to reach out.

-Diana Davidson