Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Fund Award

The Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Award is presented annually at the Alberta Library Conference to recognize and exemplifies the values and beliefs of Lorne MacRae and encourages, enlightens and empowers the importance of Intellectual Freedom.

For Lorne MacRae, “the issue of intellectual freedom has never been confined to the realm of public education and libraries. He sees this issue as integral to a higher moral order which must operate within a society in order for democracy to flourish.”

Lorne MacRae, first recipient of the John Steinbeck/Sandpiper Books Award served the cause of libraries and education with the Calgary Board of Education. He served on the executive of various library boards and associations, provincially and nationally.

Lorne received the Learning Resources Council (Alberta Teachers Association) Award of Merit for provincial contribution to the development of school libraries as well as the Margaret B. Scott Award of Excellence for sustained national contribution to school libraries. In 1994, the Learning Resources Council established the Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Fund. This tribute much touched him as it represented his deep beliefs.

They also noted that, “his high regard for intellectual freedom, his respect for public and continuing education, his personal quest to be a life-long learner, his passionate belief in the value of children and youth, his deep concern for a growing sense of intolerance and fear of others’ beliefs and values have all served to guide his work and life.”

Winner of 2020 Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Fund
Jennifer McDevitt

The Alberta Library Trustees’ Association is delighted to present the Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Award to Jennifer McDevitt for presenting “Words that Start with E and Other Reasons for Librarians to Fight Climate Change and Climate Change Denial”.

Past Award Winners

2019: Alissa Droog, Danielle Bettridge, Alyssa Martin, and Ashleigh Yates-MacKay