Message from the President

January 15, 2023

Dear Trustees,

Welcome back after what we hope was a wonderful holiday break.  We know our community volunteers put their heart and souls into their libraries and hope that everyone had some time to themselves and their families.   

We would like to encourage trustees to take advantage of our great series of Webinars.  All are under 30 minutes in length and are a phenomenal opportunity for trustees to view alone or as group with their library boards. 

ALTA would like to promote further outreach with our members and provide new and interesting ways for trustees to connect and network. All of our meetings are hosted virtually and posted on our website calendar.   At the beginning of every meeting, we would like to set aside 15 minutes to hear about the successes or challenges currently facing your library board.    Speaking with our board allows us to highlight the great work your library board is doing along with keeping the community large better informed as to some of the library activities around the province. 

If you or another member of your board or library would like to join us, please contact and we will schedule your attendance at an upcoming meeting.  We look forward to hearing from you.

We would like to thank The Whitecourt Library Board for their hospitality and hosting ALTA’s first in person education session.  As we continue to promote further outreach with our members, we are gracious for the opportunity to connect and learn with trustees across the province.  If this is something your board is interesting in hosting, please reach out.

As a reminder, membership fees are due.  It has come to our attention that there was a typo on the invoices for boards who pay their dues via cheque and a number have had their mailed cheques returned.  The correct mailing address is : #623 7 Sir Winston Churchill Ave, Edmonton Ab, T5J 2V5.  We sincerely apologise for any confusion this may have caused. 

Thank you to all our members who remain dedicated to ALTA.  We understand that membership to ALTA is a commitment of resources and understand that library boards across the region are struggling with unpredictable and uncertain budgeting.  Your commitment to your communities and the professional development for trustees is phenomenal


Jenn Anheliger

President – Alberta Library Trustees Association