Member Registration

😎 Profile 🏫 Association 🛒 Checkout

Personal Info:

First Name required ✷
Last Name required ✷
Email required ✷
Password required ✷
Confirm Password required ✷


How are you associated to ALTA?
Individual (Not on a Board/System)
Board Member (this includes Systems)
Membership Info

ALTA Area required ✷

Library Info

Membership Coverage

Yearly Fee for Boards & Systems required ✷
Serving 0 – 599 people
Serving 600 – 1,025 people
Serving 1,026 – 2,999 people
Serving 3,000 – 4,999 people
Serving 5,000 – 9,999 people
Serving 10,000 – 19,999 people
Serving 20,000+ people

Membership Coverage

Yearly Fee for Individuals required ✷
Past Trustee

Membership Year required ✷


Choose a payment option
💳 Credit card
✉ Cheque

Charge Description Amount
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