ALTA 2024 Q4 Update + Feb Coffee Chat

Hello again from ALTA. We hope you all had a good holiday season and are getting used to placing 2025 on all documents.


Here is what has been happening in ALTA this past quarter! The Executive met monthly to determine what areas we could do some work within.


Firstly, the webpages have been lacking good, up to date information. This will hopefully be completed by the end of Q1 2025.


The second area is to continue going to system conferences and to add southern Alberta. We have been partnering with the Stronger Together Library Conference for a few years, and we are hoping to attend more conferences this coming year. We are planning to be at a library conference in your area in 2025. Please look for us at them!


Thirdly, our handouts and documentation are very old and lacking information. We hope to revamp this with relevant materials.


Starting in February, ALTA is once again hosting our Coffee Chats the second Wednesday of the month. If you have any issues or questions, please bring them to us!

Thanks, Hank Smit, President

Alberta Library Trustees’ Association


Please Join Us!

ALTA has an amazing network of members, so grab a coffee and let’s talk! This is an opportunity to engage with fellow library board members to discuss this ever-changing landscape.


Join us for ALTA’s upcoming Coffee Chat via ZOOM

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 7:00 pm

Topic: Open Chat

Reserve your attendance by clicking on the link:

Register here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Your ALTA host for the Chat is Hank Smit


This is an informal 45-minute virtual chat on ZOOM hosted every month. Attendance is limited to 20 trustees and available on a first-come first-served basis. Please know you must be a current ALTA member.


Connecting with people within the library community who have experience they are willing to share is a valuable asset and we encourage our trustees to foster strong relationships with fellow trustees.