ALTA Symposium – Stronger Together 2023



Thursday, November 9th, 2023

This year the Alberta Library Trustees’ Association (ALTA) is hosting a Symposium for Library Trustees on November 9th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  This is a day-long workshop filled with engaging and informative sessions focused on non-profits boards and governance. The event provides networking opportunities as well as sessions on a wide variety of topics.


Morning Session

Ian McCormack will be joining ALTA to run a morning session to provide guidance, advice, expertise and resources that empower our trustees to practice good governance with confidence. As a strong library supporter and previous board member, Ian seeks to support trustees through a broad range of experience and insight.


Afternoon Sessions

Include a panel session with experienced trustees, managers, elected officials and library experts who will share their experience and knowledge as well as answer trustee questions.

Also included will be breakout coffee chats facilitated by fellow trustees and our panellists to provide a casual forum for trustees to network and discuss the business of being a trustee.  Topics will include recruiting new board members, board ethics and more!


Room Booking

For discounted room rates at the River Cree Resort and Casino, please click here:


The Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Fund

ALTA is also pleased to announce the return of The Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Fund. This award is presented annually to recognize and exemplify the values and beliefs of Lorne MacRae and encourages, enlightens and empowers the importance of Intellectual Freedom. This year’s award is valued at $928 and is distributed to the winning individual(s), library boards or Library. Previous winners can be viewed here. Our nominations and submission process is simple, with a winner being selected in October and announcement and disbursement of funds in November. To nominate your board, library or an individual who demonstrates the values of intellectual freedom visit our page click here: