Trustee Toolkit

Knowing your Local Library

There is a lot to learn about the Alberta library system and the place to start is at your local library. Even if you use the library every day, there’s much more to libraries than borrowing a book or DVD.

Ask your Chair or Library Manager for:

  • Information about library services, including programs for special populations such as teens, pre-schoolers, seniors, First Nations or immigrant community members
  • An overview of the collection—it’s more than books and CDs!
  • A copy of your Board’s policy manual and/or Trustee Handbook
  • The current Plan of Service and Annual Report
  • An overview of financial policies and routine financial reports
  • A meeting with key leadership staff of your library
  • An overview of your library’s key partners and supporting organizations
  • A list of your fellow Trustees and contact information.

Visit as many libraries as you can, wherever you go.

As you become more familiar with your library, both inside and out, you will be ready to talk up your library as you go about your daily activities with friends, family and community members.

Remember, you are the link between community members and your library. As a Trustee you represent the needs of the community to the library and vice versa.

Trustee Toolkit